
發表人 永誠 於 2008/3/2 23:20:48

在中國工作的外國管理和技術人才一直持續增長。隨著中國加入世界貿易組織,對海外高級人才的需求越來越旺盛。12月11日,在深圳舉行的全國學術研討會,就外國人在中國就業的相關管理規定再次進行了討論。 據中國勞動和社會保障部資料統計,現在有超過300萬名外籍人士在中國工作,主要是來自日本 ,韓國,新加坡, 美國和歐洲國家。他們分別是高級技術人員,高級管理人員或普通管理人員,首席代表和業務代表。有超過百分之七十是在外資企業工作和而大約10 %左右,效力於外國企業在中國的分支機搆。 他們的工作一般都是外商投資方向,從而在中國利用外資和引進國外先進的管理和技術方面,發揮了積極的作用。

There has been a sustained increase of foreign management and technical talents working in China. As China fulfills its commitments on joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), it will need more and more foreign senior talents. This is learned at a national symposium on the management of the foreigners' employment held in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province on December 11. According to official with China's Ministry of Labor and Social Security, now there are over 90, 000 foreigners working in China, mainly from Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Singapore, the United States and the European countries. They are senior technical personnel, senior managers or ordinary managers, chief representatives and representatives. Over 70 percent of them are working in foreign-funded enterprises and about 10 percent in foreign enterprises' agencies in China. Their jobs are generally in accordance with the directions of foreign investments, thus playing an active role in China's using foreign investment and importing foreign advanced management and techniques.

文章轉載自:People's Daily Online

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來自: https://www.yc-tp.com/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=5&topic_id=790&post_id=1145