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註冊日期 2022/10/20
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The above was the second deadliest college shooting abroad, escort girl moscow surpassing the slaughter in dunblane. 1 attack2 victims3 perpetrator4 investigation5 reaction6 consequences 6.1 cases of imitation Attack[edit/edit code] 12 last october at 11:48 a.M. Roslyakov calls the gun store, the same one, here he bought his hatsan escort shotgun after august. It is not known what the call was about, but it happens that roslyakov asked about shotgun cartridges.[Citation needed] the next day, he wandered into the required gun shop with the name "falcon" and bought 150 cartridges for a shotgun. On october 15 at 12:02 roslyakov informs alexander moiseenko that alexander moiseenko is the senior teacher of his class group. He said that he got sick because he did not finish school on october 15 and 16. Early in the morning on october 17 of this year, roslyakov was seen with zodiac things (clothes, laptop, phone, sim card, books, knife and bible) in an abandoned place next to his private house to burn it. Roslyakov comes to the garden, school or college by bus, and at the same time not from the fact that near the location of the well with the zodiac house, but from any, it is unknown why. Within ten in the morning, perhaps during school holidays, so roslyakov knows how to gently blend in with the crowd. He was seen entering from the back of the college, then to get away from metal detectors and savings at the main entrance. Roslyakov enters the school building at ten:02 a.M. Where he was seen with a black nike backpack on his back, in which a homemade bomb is placed, a large black bag on his belt, where his hatsan escort shotgun is registered, molotov, an unknown liquid, homemade homemade bombs made of firecrackers or improvised explosive gadgets with fragments wrapped with tape, tactical gloves, a hunting knife, a small bag with cartridges, a sling, yellow earplugs, a phone, a passport, a weapons permit, a student id, pepper spray and a lighter. Roslyakov goes to the 2nd floor to the side of the toilet. He puts his own equipment in a hole in the wall or in the restroom itself. He waits near an hour and a half before allowing the toilet. Roslyakov checked his phone at 11:31 a.M. Probably checking the time in order to make sure that his application knows how to find the cafeteria in time. The working break starts at approximately 11:30-11:40. He was also seen with only a black nike backpack, inside which there was still a bomb. Roslyakov can be seen shaking hands somewhere. Online personalities suggest that he took any part in the massacre. After some time, it was proved that its use does not gain the slightest touch to shooting. This is a laboratory assistant named pavel lutsishen, who recognized vlad today and knew this time as well as many alternative college students. As soon as the bomb exploded, he rushed back to the garden, the school and helped the victims get out of the building. Roslyakov descends to the inexperienced floor in the corridor next to the library. The media say that the partner sought to hang a padlock on the door to slow down the flight of people through the exit. The holder did not know that the library at the university was closed at the same time. After a minute and thirty-six seconds, roslyakov steps onto the 2nd floor. The investigators wondered what he was creating down there for a minute and thirty-six seconds. As soon as the investigators viewed the registration from the camera, they saw roslyakov install a padlock on a box with a fire extinguisher. Maybe he abandoned the potential venture, since the padlock did not fit, or the holder did not want to cause the slightest doubt. Roslyakov puts his backpack on the desk in the hallway at 11:34 a.M. There is evidence that he activated the bomb and set the timer for at least ten minutes. The explosive force of the bomb is more than a single kilogram in tnt equivalent, there is shrapnel and metal inside it. Roslyakov sits down and waits for the staff to open the cafeteria door and the work break will begin, since around 11:35 many students are heading to the cafeteria. He shook hands with some students. The key one from the list is hedeon, one of roslyakov's classmates, who said that roslyakov smiled at them. Roslyakov gets up at 11:37 a.M. Seven minutes before the bomb is supposed to explode. He places the bomb on any of the hangers under the desk or around one of the chairs. Roslyakov leaves the cafeteria at 11:38 in the morning, in a hurry, he goes to the toilet on the next floor, which provides him with six hours of development time. He even took off his jacket, but in order to save a few minutes. Roslyakov's sling is tied to the handle of his shotgun, and the sling passes under his shirt, down his back and to his jeans or belt. This is aimed at ensuring that if someone tries to take away the weapon, he would fail. Roslyakov also puts a hunting knife on the left side of his shoe, which the holder ignored during the massacre. The bomb exploded between 11:44 and 11:46 a.M. The bomb is so powerful that it completely destroys the main access to the college, which is exclusively made of glass, knocks out the window glass and the double-glazed windows themselves in the nearby corridors, even destroys the closet doors in the corridor. Roslyakov placed the bomb in a frying pan, which, when detonated, took off, stood out and exploded with fragments and screws scattered from the explosion. As soon as an explosion occurred, people decide to call emergency services. Roslyakov breaks the window in the toilet with the end of the shotgun handle and turns on to shoot in the courtyard. He kills two students (nikita florensky and daria chegerest) through a window. 10/17/18; 11:53 morning. Roslyakov puts a small bag of ammunition and homemade homemade bombs or even homemade explosive de...

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