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A software engineer is a citizen who applies software design principles to design, develop, maintain, test, and define computer software. The term "programmer" is sometimes used as an analogue, but even more so not to have sex to an engineering level of education or skills. Four]. ], Which includes the definition, implementation, evaluation, measurement, management, change and improvement of this program life cycle process. It makes extensive use of program configuration management[1][4], which consists of systematically controlling adjustments in bundling and maintaining absolute integrity and traceability of form and code throughout the entire life cycle of the system. The latest processes use software version control. 1 history2 definitions and terminological disputes 2.1 etymology of the word "software engineer"2.2 usefulness of the term 3.1 their software requirements3.2 software design3.3 software development3.4 software testing3.5 software analysis3.6 software maintenance 4.1 software engineering degree programs</>5.1 employment5.2 certification5.3 impact of globalization5.4 awards 7.1 and practice7.2 roles 7.3 professional aspects 8.1 citations8.2 references Since the 1960s, software engineering has been viewed as separate type of engineering. Also, software development was seen as a struggle. It was difficult to keep up with the hardware, which created a lot of anxiety for software manufacturers. Problems included software that was over budget, over time, required extensive debugging and practice, and in addition failed to meet customer needs or ended with us. In 1968, nato held the first software engineering conference, which dealt with the intricacies of software: laying down guidelines and innovative technologies for creating software.[5] The origin of the term "software engineering". "Attributed to several insiders. The term "software engineering" originated in the catalog of services provided by enterprises in the june 1965 issue of electronics and automation and was used more formally in the august 1966 issue of acm communications (vol. 9, number 8) "letter to membership in acm" by acm president anthony a. Ettinger[6][7] it also refers to the title of the 1968 nato conference by professor friedrich l. Bauer, the first software engineering conference.[8] margaret hamilton described the discipline " software engineering” during the apollo missions, to add legitimacy to all that other measures built. At that time, doctors considered this a “crisis in software.” The 40th international conference on software engineering (icse 2018) celebrates the 50th anniversary "software engineering" with presentations at the plenary sessions by frederick brooks[13] and margaret hamilton[14]. Fi federally funded and headquartered on the campus of carnegie mellon university in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, usa. Watts humphrey founded the sei software process program aimed at understanding and coordinating the software development process. The introduced process maturity levels will be an integration of the condition maturity model for formulation (cmmi-dev), which defines how the us government evaluates the ability of the gaming software development team. Subcommittee iso/iec jtc 1/sc 7 and published as the code of knowledge on prescription programs (swebok)[15]. Software engineering is a process of basic computer disciplines.[16] Definitions and terminology controversy[edit] Notable definitions of software engineering include: - "The continuous use of technological and technological knowledge, methods and skill for compiling, implementing, testing and documenting software" - bureau of labor statistics - ieee network and management program planning - vocabulary[17]- "application a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable view of the development, operation, and maintenance of software" - standard glossary of ieee[18] authoring terminology - "an engineering discipline dealing with both widespread and rare aspects of software production" - jan somerville.[19]- "establishing and ordering the correct engineering principles for economically obtaining a program that is considered not fake and works effectively on real machines" - fritz bauer[20]- "a branch of computer science dealing with the creation, implementation and maintenance of complex software"-merria m-webster[21]-"software engineering provides not only the process of writing code, but also all the techniques and processes an organization uses to shape and maintain that code over time. [...] Software engineering can be studied as "programming integrated over time". - Google software engineering[22]this term was also used less formally: - As an informal modern term among a wide range of activities that used to be called computer programming and systems analysis; [23]- as a broad term for many aspects of the practice of computer programming, not like in the theory of computer programming, which is formally studied as a branch of computer science;[24]- as a term embodying the defense of a respectful attitude towards computer programming, which calls to regard money and media as an engineering discipline. But not an art or craft, and is rightfully considered to be a codification of recommended practices. Software development for the process of her work on the apollo program. The term "engineering" has been applied to recognize that the work must be in the role of other contributions to the expansion of the information base of technologies. Hamilton details her use of this phrase: When i first came up with this phrase, no one had heard of it before, at least in the offline world. It was a running joke for a long time. They liked to tease me about my radical ideas. It was a memorable occasion when any of the most sought-after hardware gurus explained to everyone in the meeting that the player agreed with ...

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