
提昇品牌 預祝永誠國際參展成功 - 兩岸房地產(兩岸不動產) - 永誠諮詢顧問台北中心

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永誠新聞 : 提昇品牌 預祝永誠國際參展成功
發表人 永誠 於 2007/9/21 10:14:39

永誠國際參展 永誠國際參展

9月20日,我公司將赴新加坡參加由新加坡特許經營及授權協會主辦的“Franchising & Licensing Asia 2007 ”,此次盛會是我公司與世界各大知名企業一次全方位的接觸與交流,無疑是將“永誠”國際化向前推進一大步,並為國際區域的長遠合作奠定了堅實的基礎,拓展了海外市場的發展。

“國際化、專業化、市場化”是“永誠”秉承的發展理念,公司成立7年來,不斷上升的品牌優勢,合作平臺、夥伴越來越多,基礎越來越實, 影響力越來越大, 公司以建立跨國經營的專業化公司為目標。在國際上的地位和影響力不斷攀升,具備了與國際先進技術對接的條件,為永誠品牌的國際化奠定了堅實的基礎。

In Sep 20th, Yuncheng will attend the “Franchising & Licensing Asia 2007” presented by the Franchising & Licensing Association Singapore. The exhibition is the contacts and exchanges in all directions between our company and world's well-known company. Uncouthly, it will promote “Yuncheng” internationalization a big step. Furthermore, it will lay a solid foundation for the long-term cooperation with international region, and expand the development of overseas market.

"International, specialization, mercerization " are the development of concepts of “Yuncheng”. Since the company set up seven years ago, with the rising advantage of brand, the more cooperation platform and partners, Yuncheng has had messiness foundation and more influential. The company treat the building of professional transnational company as the goal. The internationalization of Yuncheng brand has laid a solid foundation by the continuously rising of the status and influence in the international market, and the joint with the international advanced technology.

永誠貼心叮嚀:中國房產日日高升,台資、外資企業不斷大舉進軍中國發展,您是經驗豐富的房產高手嗎?想開拓中國房產市場嗎?中國目前重金禮聘台灣房產精英,想開拓事業第二春,中國房市絕對是您大展身手的好機會!永誠八年專業經驗,輔導上萬名學員取證,是您西進中國求職、創業、投資、交流考察的最佳諮詢機構。中國大陸證照取證率高達95%,保證全國通用!想要取得中國房地產經紀人證照,請立即來電 (02) 2552-2669,永誠諮詢顧問有限公司。
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